Beginning of the last chapter
When thinking about a portfolio I think about a cohesive body of work that tells a story and keeps a viewer intrigued throughout the whole thing. If the work is all very similar it tends to get a bit boring and if the work is so vastly different the viewer can’t make a connection and they are likely to lose interest as well. In this early stage of my artistic career this first portfolio will still be a cohesive body of work but will display a broader range of images rather than a specific series as will be the case later in my career. I believe the start to any good portfolio doesn't begin with the images, it begins with a concept, an idea, a question, something worth putting energy into. Your audience will take notice and reciprocate by investing in you and your work.
I tend to move from project to project relatively quickly so for me working on a portfolio is like writing the last chapter of a book. When I can close that book and solely focus on another project it feels like a mental weight has been lighted off of me. The pre-production on a portfolio primarily begins with understanding the story I’m trying to tell and deciding what images best express the emotions and feelings I'm trying to convey.
The philosophy of yin and yang suggests that all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites that rely on each other for balance. It's that balance, that coexistence that is the driving force behind the work. I think ultimately the point I’m trying to get across is to simply take a look at your own life, reflect and find an appreciation for the balance in life.
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