Learning about myself

Up until now I really didn't have a clue who I was as an artist, even still it's a little hazy. However there was always an understanding of the medium, and what I could say and how I could say it. The past seven months or so have given me a much clearer understanding of exactly how to go about saying whatever it is I have to say. I've never felt so able to express myself, not as in accessibility, which is now more abundant than ever with social media, but as in having that understanding of who I am to clearly and without any uncertainty produce work that truly means something. The last few years leading up to this point were crucial in my development as an artist. I always kicked myself for not pursuing school and photography as a career sooner, but I now see how important it was for me to gain that knowledge about myself first. Personally I required that knowledge to be able to make work that provides a message that will resonate with people and leave a lasting impression of who I am and what the work represents. 


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